The main Tokyo Tyrant class
The default port of the Tokyo Tyrant database
string is equal to
string is included in
string begins with
string ends with
string includes all tokens in
string includes at least one token in
string is equal to at least one token in
string matches regular expressions of
number is equal to
number is greater than
number is greater than or equal to
number is less than
number is less than or equal to
number is between two tokens of
number is equal to at least one token in
negation flag
no index flag
string ascending
string descending
number ascending
number descending
lexical string
decimal string
token inverted index (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
QGRAM inverted index (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
keep existing index
full-text search with the phrase of (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
full-text search with all tokens in (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
full-text search with at least one token in (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
full-text search with the compound expression of (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.29)
Metasearch union between records (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.33)
Metasearch intersection between records (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.33)
Metasearch difference between records (Tokyo Tyrant >= 1.1.33)
Whether to reconnect on connection failure. It is recommended to have this parameter on for persistent connections
record locking
global locking
record type int
record type float (double)
invalid operation
host not found
connection refused
send error
recv error
record exist
no record found
miscellaneous error