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2012 ACM ICPC South Central USA Regional Programming Contest

Contest Rules

Just as in any other organized effort, this contest must have rules. The goal of this rule set is to clarify the difference between acceptable behavior and unacceptable behavior. Basically these rules attempt to give examples of things that you should and should not do. This is not a complete list. We reserve the right to define new rules as necessary to make this a fair, enjoyable contest.

All contest submissions, including problem submissions and clarifications, are the property of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) and the South Central USA Regional Collegiate Programming Contest (SCUSA). We reserve the right to use and publish these submissions as we choose to further the goals of the ICPC and the SCUSA.

<Soapbox> We will not entertain would-be lawyers - these rules are guidelines. Understand them, don't try to bludgeon anyone with them. </Soapbox>

One final thing - Do NOT do anything that might be perceived as cheating.

And now for the rules:


Using this approach, every school is guaranteed at least one team. After that, additional entries are allocated one at a time per school based on the order of registration. In other words, no one can bring 4 teams unless, everyone desiring to bring 1, 2 or 3 is already handled. Unfortunately, this means that we will not know until pretty late the exact maximum number of teams that can be entered.

Experience shows that we can easily handle 2 teams per school (has not been a problem yet). Whether schools can bring 3, 4, or even more teams, will be based on space and the number of requests (last year, 2 schools had 4 teams competing).

The goal of this rule is to make sure that every school has the opportunity to bring N teams before someone gets a N+1 team accepted.



Actual Contest Rules